Magnesium Supplements For Athletes. What is it? A mineral needed by your body for many crucial bodily functions such as:
- activates muscle and nerves
- creates energy in your body by activating ATP
- helps digest proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
- creates a platform for RNA and DNA synthesis
- needed for neurotransmitters
- helps with sleep and treats insomnia
- helps prevent osteoporosis
- prevents migraine headaches
The benefits of this element are especially important for athletes! The break down of ATP releases energy causes our muscles to contract which allows us to use our muscles when we exercise them. When athletes are exercising and strenuously using their muscles, it requires a rapid synthesis of ATP. If athletes lack this ingredient, ATP will not break down into energy as effectively causing fatigue, lethargy, reduced power, muscle twitches or cramps.
To combat deficiently, which affects roughly eighty percent of Americans, we can take supplements. The foods that contain this ingredient are usually not enough to sustain our body’s needs. In addition, our body also loses it during muscle movement, heartbeats, and hormone production. In conclusion, supplements are an important addition to our diet, especially athletes who strenuously and constantly use their muscles.
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