What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin created in the body naturally with exposure to sunlight. It’s also found in a few specific foods like some leafy greens and fish and salmon. You make it when your skin is exposed to the ultraviolet light of the sun.
Sunscreen use, seasonal changes and time spent outdoors can greatly alter our vitamin D levels. Lighter and darker skin tones will also affect our body’s Vitamin D production. Darker skin contains more melanin, which protects against ultraviolet radiation exposure but it takes a longer time for the body to make Vitamin D compared to those with a lighter skin tone.
Why you need it:
You need vitamin D for the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the body. It is also is needed for bone growth, cellular support and reduction of inflammation. Other benefits include hormone balance, support for our immune system, heart health, blood pressure and overall mood.
When you’re deficient:
You may suffer from fatigue, bone and back pain, muscle pain, depression, and muscle weakness. You’re susceptible to Vitamin D deficiency if you don’t get full body sun very often, work indoors, are vegetarian or don’t get enough vitamin D rich foods in your diet.
How do I know if I’m deficient?
A simple blood test can determine if you don’t have enough Vitamin D in your body.
It’s best to have your levels checked first.
Check out this link here.
What’s the best supplement option?
It really depends on your current levels. If your results are below 35 ng/ml, consider a high dose, twice weekly to get your levels up in to the optimal range.
What else?
Always take Vitamin D with food for maximum absorption.
What if I am deficient?
If you have low Vitamin D levels, I can help! At RADO nutrition, helping people find the right supplements and nutritional support is the cornerstone of how we help people feel better. Just contact me at (424) 262-3394 / lisa@radonutrition.com and I can get you the right product.
To maintain optimal vitamin D levels, this if my personal favorite here.